Oliver Gasser

Oliver is the Founder & CEO of moduulo OÜ, an Estonian startup developing a disruptive solution to get rid of bookkeeping. He focuses on helping accounting firms in Europe achieve their goals in today's digital world. Prior to building his startup, he developed several software tools to successfully manage agencies and startup businesses with a particular focus on reducing costs and boosting digital efficiency. Oliver is an experienced partner with a demonstrated history of working in development and digitalization, skilled in modern web technologies, process optimization, Business Planning, and implementing strategic software for growing business success. Oliver has a law degree from Bern University, over 20 years of development experience and speaks English, German, French and Italian.

Rain Tüür

Rain Tüür's interest in computers and programming began in childhood when the first desktop computer was acquired for the home. Computers were scarce in homes at that time, and the quality of computer program education in schools for children was not as it is today, so he learned to know the existing software within his means and from there on caught the IT bug. After high school, he obtained higher education in a different field, but still felt a constant pull towards the world of information technology – at work, he improved IT solutions on his own initiative and also offered related support to colleagues. In 2017, Rain decided to follow his calling and start retraining – he participated in the Choose-IT pilot program and from there began working in software development. Later, he furthered his education in software development at TalTech. As a programmer, he has gained experience in a large energy company and in banking. As a developer, Rain specializes in Java and Spring Boot backend. Rain describes himself as a friendly and courageous person – he is oriented towards communication and open to challenges. Rain values good humor and being open. In his free time, he loves to spend time with his family in nature and to travel.

Taivo Türnpu

Taivo Türnpu

Taivo Türnpu has a background in software development and has been working in the field for over 15 years. He studied IT systems development at IT College and after university, he started working at a large software and consulting firm focusing on fintech systems. Later, he created his own IT consultancy company and grew it into a 25-person enterprise. The company also focuses on the development of fintech systems. Since 2019, he has been the technical co-founder and CTO of a successful European startup founded in Estonia. He enjoys exploring the architectures and technical solutions of various large IT solutions, analyzing them, and summarizing his findings.

Veiko Koiksaar

Veiko Koiksaar is a good example of a total career change. After working as a layout designer and advertising designer in a newspaper editorial office, he chose a position as a junior developer in a bank, motivated by his interest in finance and investment. Of course, this required some knowledge and experience in programming, which he had previously gathered independently. 7 years in the bank and today, over 10+ years of working as a developer have given him a substantial knowledge and experience in various backend and frontend technologies, development processes, and software system development, to help you do the same.

Marten Tall

Marten Tall

Marten Tall is a master's student at TalTech, but primarily a practitioner: he has participated in the development of various business-critical information systems in the public, telecommunications, and financial sectors. He has been entrusted with leading people and technological development. Marten tries his best to accept challenges that seem uncomfortable at first glance and encourages others to do the same.